Trade in your outdated Hardware monitoring system for cash value towards Evergreen Software monitoring solutions from Suitelife Systems

Building Management

Axess Building Management and BMS solutions provide a top down overarching, Manager-of-Managers, monitoring and control solution, polling data in real time from unlimited numbers of disparate systems and networked devices.

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Broadcast Management

Axess Studio tools for Broadcast Management is a networked based solution monitoring the functional health of multiple complex systems using solution-specific management control layers. Axess aggregates data from all connected systems and components to a single screen for operations or engineering for quick identification of the fault occurrence.

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The Suitelife Systems Axess software and suite of products are designed to automate Telecommunications operations and control and monitor all devices and systems across the network.

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Power Management

Axess Power Management solutions provide a high level single screen view of power management and live energy consumption data across the enterprise or network. Powerful system and device monitoring, alarm management and remote control capabilities from any connected device . Integrated environmental sensor packages plus the proactive automation of HVAC usage, stored energy management, backup battery health, gen set fuel etc. all lead improved operating efficiency.

Read More About SuiteLife's Power Management Solutions